The Municipality of Jayuya, Puerto Rico (Municipality), received a $4.46 million grant award from the Puerto Rico Emergency Management Agency (Puerto Rico), a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grantee, for damages resulting from Hurricane Irene in August 2011. We audited projects totaling $3.54 million to determine whether the Municipality accounted for and expended FEMA funds according to Federal requirements. For the projects we reviewed, the Municipality generally accounted for and expended FEMA funds according to Federal requirements. However, we did identify $267,960 (Federal share $200,970) of costs that FEMA should disallow. These costs consisted of $237,695 of duplicate benefits and $30,265 of unsupported project costs.
FEMA Should Recover $267,960 of $4.46 Million in Public Assistance Grant Funds Awarded to the Municipality of Jayuya, Puerto Rico, for Hurricane Irene Damages
Executive Summary
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